Vendor Alert: Americans with Disabilties should steer clear of
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DHGate: Home of Asian Criminals serving the world. |
Update 25 November 2019:
Hmmm seems this article is starting to trend on the Chinese Google. No idea how many can read English but I guess the Asian world gets to see how shitty DHGate is to customers first-hand. Long way to go to find your neighbor is a criminal but thats the world we live if I could just get the rotten bastards to quit spamming only took a dozen complaints and letters to get them to close my account, I suspect I will be room temperature before they stop spamming me. Thats fine though, I have time on my hands and can update this story for a long time and flood them with links to it every few weeks as long as I am able to.After their actions I am SO SORRY I ever said anything nice about them or worse, encouraged friends to spend money there. I am so very sorry.
Update 22 November 2019:
Still nothing from the unhelpful manager at DHGate, kinda figured they had no intention of making anything right, criminals that they are. I guess they are too busy having sex when their mothers to actually help anyone to do anything actually useful. In any event I thought I would show just where the video console would have gone if DHGate hadn't shown their Chinese heritage and simply stolen everything....
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The great video game system from the thieves at DHGate. Or at least the big empty spot where it would be if they weren't such honorless pricks..... |
I look forward to updating this every week for as long as I am able. I finally got my computer fixed, that thing without which DHGate refused to accept a dispute. Since you refused to help before and aided the criminal Suliyun in his (or her, not being sexist) criminal activities to steal my money, I will make sure this never goes away so no one reading it ever suspects that DHGate is worth doing business with.
Until next week....
Update 10 November 2019:
As expected, never heard from these guys again, even after supplying more than enough information. I guess them being DHGate I should not be surprised...but I can't help being sad that one the last transactions I make on this planet is to be ripped off by DH-Fucking-Gate. To hell with those honorless cretins. They act like they won't need or want business after this Trump crap is gone from our system.I guess the bottom line is if you stay lucky with them, you may have a great relationship with DHGate. If on the other hand their criminal element makes itself known and steals from a customer, you are as good as screwed and have no chance at anything like restitution or justice. You are just considered a stupid American and who needs you because they will always make more, so screwing over any single individual is just their "tao" or way of operating.
Well screw DHGate right back.
Update 01 November 2019:
I heard back from a manager at DHGate; he could not find my order number so he was closing the incident and if I wanted to escalate this he gave me a link...right back the level-zero tech support. I go to the link he sent, I fill out the form not once but three times on two different browsers and surprise surprise, the complaint submission system at DHGate is broken so that they can claim to never get disputes. These people are not just criminals, they are bad criminals as in criminals bad at their job. They are so easy to catch, probably because they simply don't care about things like honor and respect in commerce. They just want to steal what they can today, tomorrow is another day.Not that I expect anything from these miscreants because after all their "research on my problem they never once looked at the evidence, which shows they have no interest in making this right, only go away. DHGate your tricks and schemes are not even is as if your crimes are being planned by a small child....I have no idea how you expect to do business once Trump is gone, he won't last forever and these little retaliation tactics of yours only mean that in the future if you hope to do business again, forget it. You have shown your true colors to the world.
This column will receive updates until I die.
Update 24 October 2019:
As-promised, not only have I set this up so the document and URL will remain active for a long time but I am also fulfilling my promise to update this as frequently as in practical.So I finally got my last delivery from them at which point I deleted all credit cards. All that remained was to delete the account, which they don't make easy. According to their site, if you are trying to delete your account you must write to with the request. According to DHGate my request would be addressed within 24 hours. That was the 21st. So far, nothing. Maybe they are still translating my page, which I sent them a link to.
What I don't get is these are supposed to be good business men and women and they have to know Trump is an abhorration and will be gone soon. Which means they might was business again...but if I am still buying things when Trump is thrown in jail, why would I risk or give any money to someone who happily stole from me before? So they may think they are getting me in some fashion but they are only hurting themselves....
//end update
Update 25 October 2019:
Found email from "manager" apologizing for bad experience, asked me for the order number and said thru broken English would I wish to fix it myself or just close the account? Now I really hope his or her translation software is shit because only an idiot would ask such a thing after I chased this for months. In any case, it was clear they had not read the web page so I gave them another link with all of the documentation on it. We will see what happens; I really don't know what they think they will do. Even if they stop siding with that dodgy Suliyun character, what are they going to do, email me a ton of those two-dollar coupons of theirs? Gawd I hope not.
The Short Story:
1. Chinese Internet vendor DHGate sells me two arcade games from their app.2. The vendor took the money and no product ever arrived.
3. The first tracking number Suliyun sent was false and for some order that delivered to Wisconsin. Of course with their tracking you have no idea where its going to land until it does. Trying to be a good DHGate customer, I choose to be patient...until I see it was not only delivered to Wisconsin (this is Vegas baby) but Suliyan had closed the order on me. This effectively shut off most of DHGates options for addressing this.
4. I send the vendor a messaging asking what happened, they said mistake, please wait some more for package.
5. 2 weeks later and nothing, I message the vendor for a tracking number for the shipment they sent 14 days prior. One is promised the following day.
6. Three days later I get another tracking number, this one I check daily. The screwed up part is this is another false tracking number, this time for a delivery somewhere in Nebraska I think but I have no way to know this until it gets delivered.
7. I go back to the vendor for an reason for this and a refund; my messages bounce because the vendor ghosted me.
8. I try to use the only options open to me thru the app to tell DHGate and I am informed by old TangTang there that because the order was closed before I put in a complaint, tough luck and better luck next time. Pay more attention next time.
I am sorry, if this is the proper way to treat customers in China, well kiss my ass you thieves, this isn't China. I can't force to do the right thing but I can bring pain to you and cost you customers.
Right. Folks, if you have money to burn, go out and burn it. No matter what you do, it is far better than to give any of it to DHGate or anyone they are associated with.
This sort of boorish behavior never started until Donald Trump displayed his idiocy and went to financial war with most of the world, including his own country. Higher prices, longer delivery, these I can see. Out and out theft? Retaliation for being American pure and simple.
If I were not disabled with this brain disease, I might be able to fight this. If I were normal I would still have a working PC, both things I would need to deal with DHGate the way they need to be dealt with. If you are locked into their app and trying to get anything done, report anything, their whole support mechanism is nightmarish for a normal person and beyond useless for anyone who can't out-think them. How sad is that?
The Long Story:
Internet vendor DHGate Has Earned the FAIL status for Americans with disabilities due to their ambivalence to the damage the criminals they shelter combined with a nearly unforgivable support mechanism. In other words, when the criminal sellers they harbor screw over an American with disabilities there is no obvious or non-obvious method of recovering your money.You ask the seller and they disappear. You ask DHGate for help and they say tough shit, be more careful next time. You are forced to use only a PC to file a dispute; no PC, no chance at resolution, simple as that. My disability resulted in my laptop and only real PC (writing this on little tablet) being destroyed and I don’t know when I will get another one. So no PC, no refund and the seller (and thus DHGate) gets away with theft in broad daylight once again. This kind of crap may be the mainstream in China but that horseshit will get them nowhere around here.
Stay very clear of these people. They are untrustworthy and have rigged their system against anyone not fully enabled. They can and will take advantage of you and they way their system is set up, there is nothing you can do about it. Yes they can be cheaper than anywhere else, thats why you go there but once anything leaves you less than 100%, close your accounts there and do no more business with them. Its not a question of if, its a question of when you will get screwed. Its built right into their system so its not an abbhoration.
First, who the hell is DHGate?
DHGate is an umbrella company that fronts for many tiny small Asian sellers of everything you can imagine, from clothing, furniture and lights to games, toys and electronics. Each reseller might have a thousand lots of a single item like a hand-held game machine that you might purchase one or 100 of. DHGate then handles the financial end of things, releasing the funds to the seller once they ship. DHGate is also you who would have to pursue for any disputes with sellers. Because of the economies of scale you can often find great deals on just about anything and for the most part, the sellers are on the up and up and make the best effort to fulfill each sale. Before my disability got the best of me I shopped there for years. Most things came as advertised and you knew the risk with working with the Chinese that you were rolling the dice on every purchase. Good thing I live in Las Vegas where such rolling of the dice seems normal.
But like any big system with many operating parts, it works great right up until it doesn’t and then everything goes wrong.
It went wrong for me starting with a reseller named “Suliyan” who was selling these arcade game consoles. Basically you could hook this up to your television and play old school arcade games. I liked it so I ordered two, one for me and one for my friend Randy.
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Looked simple enough. Observe order date. |
So then time flies; as a veteran shopper I am patient with them. However when the rest of the stuff I ordered on that date arrived and still no games from seller Suliyun, I did tracked the tracking number to find it had been sent to someplace in freaking Wisconsin. Worse, the seller Suliyun closed the order, as if it had been delivered to me. Here is our conversation up to the point seller Suliyun vanished from DHGate:
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This guy never had any intention of fulfilling anything. |
While it seemed at first they were trying to work with me, now that all the facts are clear, they never meant to fulfill anything; theft was the first and primary goal:
1. Advertise product
2. 100 customers purchase one or more.
3. Seller fulfills one sends the same tracking number to the other 99.
4. When it becomes clear the package was mis-delivered, seller fulfills another one and sends out the bogus tracking number to angry customers waiting for product they paid for.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 as long as you can get away with it. Only repeated twice with me with two bogus tracking numbers.
6. Mark all orders as closed slowing or stopping disputes, then vanish with the money.
DHGate is absolutely FINE with this.
So the next obvious step is to get DHGate involved. Since they approve this method of doing business, good luck with that if you are American. They know we have no recourse and thanks to our ass-hat president and the lack of the fabled Asian Honor on the part of this Chinese company it shows no sign of improving soon on either side. I don't know if its their upbringing or their system of government but when a thief is stealing your money, you care little about their ideology; a thief is still a thief no matter what they believe.
FWIW I worked for years with the Japanese and these people have it all over the Chinese WRT to things like honor and respect. Not even close so don't be fooled. The Chinese are no better or worse than any other faceless and nameless vendor on the Internet.
So if you go to the DHGate support page you are offered three choices:
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(Non) Support Options at DHGate |
Of the three options:
1. "Fast Resolution" is a flow chart of options that only work if the vendor follows the rules. the instant they don't, every option they offer is useless and can't be used.
2. Chat (24/7): This is bullshit as it is nothing more than a very broken AI-driven version of the stuff in option one. The upshot is DHGate still won't help you, they just understand your complaint less, angering you more. Looks like this:
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DHGate: You can't get there from here... |
3. Facebook. Puhlease. There is no vendor that is worth putting up with Facebooks bullshit, although I WILL make sure this gets posted there.
But the big FUCK-YOU-AMERICAN came when I was trying to explain to old TangTang here I needed to submit a dispute and the seller closed the order on me. That when I got the fuck you, we got your money. rottsa ruck next time American:
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The final Kiss My Ass American from DHGate |
So since the vendor closed the order before even the first package was misdelivered, I NEVER had a chance. The rest of the crap with customer support was just window dressing. As soon as the vendor marks it closed, 99% of your support options are just gone and if you try to get help, well DHGate thinks that is just too fucking bad.
I went end to end with their system and it seems designed to not service customers and the only way to raise a dispute after the seller had done something like this was to log onto their corp site with only a PC which I don't have anymore since my LBD cracked the screen on my lappy.
Bottom line is DHGate cannot be trusted with business, simple as that. If you have a disability or you are American, you stand a good chance of being a victim of theft with DHGate and if you are a disabled American, that is the double-threat.
Its your money but Living With Lewy Body Dementia gives them a failing grade so stay away from DHGate until they find their honor and respect again, if ever. Since DHGate made it so damned hard to get support I am building this warning to my readers and as a special bonus for DHGate, even though I will likely be dead in a few years, I am paying to keep this URL and page alive for the next two decades. More, at one time I was able to write. Now, thanks to the disease I
get tiny windows of time where I have enough going on to write. Right
now this document is a blunt instrument. Not only is it going to stick
around a long time but I will be sharpening it to surgical precision
the longer it remains and so do I. Forewarned.
I really can't explain why getting ripped off feels so much less dramatic when you are not terminal but now, with so few transactions left, it feels somehow personal.
They can take my money but they can't take my dignity.
I really can't explain why getting ripped off feels so much less dramatic when you are not terminal but now, with so few transactions left, it feels somehow personal.
They can take my money but they can't take my dignity.
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