Am I The Only One Sick of Trumps Media Masturbation?
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How I chose to spend the 4th. |
Happy 4th of July America! This day used to be about our independence but as of this year and forever more Trump wants it to be about himself. He wants his tanks, his planes, his parade and almost more importantly, he wants, no needs insulation from those who might call bullshit on his fantasies. He is selling tickets to people who are guaranteed to be non-hecklers but more importantly for a holiday for everyone, they must be rabid Trump supporters.
For his calendar he hopes to sell later in the year, Trump will surround himself with generals, admirals and what-not, all while jets to fly-overs, not sure what they think they will show by flying Air Force One overhead but this is Trumps fantasy, all for the many photo-ops he will need heading into the 2020 election.
As a veteran I find it odious that he would pull this with our military, making them aggrandize him while at the same time Trump is targeting service members with families with undocumented members. There is just so much wrong with that but then there is so much wrong with everything he is doing with the military.
One thing my wife did not appreciate as a civilian is that the military pretty much has to do what he says, including many stupid things. They really have little choice unless there is really obvious to the common soldier reasons for disobeying a direct order from the Commander In Chief. Its not enough just to be a solider forced to be at the border, hating what you are being forced to do. You can't then just say fuck it I won't (article 15 at best, jail-time more likely). It is the sad brain-damaged truth that we have someone of very low intelligence who has not only never served but was a draft dodger to boot (and this cretin wants to tell ME what patriotism is?) giving orders to the military. Does anyone think this is the right answer? Really?
For reasons obvious only to Trump, he thinks this will buy him some legitimacy heading into 2020 since he has accomplished nothing of worth to most Americans so far. He does stupid shit all the time with the reasoning that it will make great TV. Look at what he did with Kim Jong Un after the G20 meeting, you know the one he dragged with him his worthless daughter and equally worthless son in law along for show and tell. So Trump walks on North Korean soil and did you notice people of importance there were not diplomats and ambassadors, just Trump and his broken-assed family along with their requisite retinue of reporters to commemorate the "historic" occasion where nothing actually happened.
As if that wasn't enough, our Dear Leader was just now once again siding against his own people and siding with Vladimir Putin about seriously important shit. I think he might know that Putin and his hackers are Trumps only real chance at re-election. The funny part of the whole Russia/Trump thing is Putin barely disguises his disgust and bemusement with Trump and Trump is just plain too stupid to see it...
No Trump is if anything the antithesis of what the 4th of July is supposed to be...its funny but after his first year I started envisioning a time when America develops a craving for a boring yet functional government once again. It seems like it has been so long...
Folks, this country is great and can be greater but at no point does it need Trump in order to do it. Since the country doesn't need Trump, it leaves us with the conclusion Trump is only doing this for himself at our expense.
An American veteran embarrassed by his dysfunctional government...
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An idea whose time has come. |
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